denovaire - composer and esraj & synthesizer performer

composer, producer, esraj player, performer

…did the music academies and forgot.

He breathes sound.

He lives in Graz until the political situation drives him away.

He composes contemporary and cinematic sounds.

He conducts and performs live with Indian instruments and synthesizers in experimental settings.

He loves people.



denovaire & karamarkovic - live esraj & synthesizers

Studies of Composition with G.F.Haas, Gerd Kühr, Pierreluigi Billone and Beat Furrer in Graz.

Studies of classical Indian music with Ustad Arshad Khan and Pandit Sukhdev Mishra in Delhi and Benares. Masterclasses with Bernhard Lang and @ Darmstädter Ferienkurse.

Founding of the IndiaFusion Ensemble „Dancing Shiva“ 2003, Founding of the Festival „Indiasphere“ in Graz (direction 2008-2010), Concerts in Berlin, Hamburg, Vienna, Belgrade, Graz, Klagenfurt, Salzburg, Sarajewo, Delhi, Färoer, Copenhagen, Milano, Rome, Alpbach, Turin amo

Cooperations with: Styriarte,, Ensemble Integrales, Ensemble Zeitfluss, Szene Instrumental, Schallfeld Ensemble, Max Brand Ensemble, Stringquantet, Styrian Improviser’s Orchestra, Tiroler Ensemble für Neue Musik a.m.o.

Denovaire works as a composer, conductor, game designer, synthesizer performer, and Esraj player as live- and studio musician in the fields: Modern Contemporary, Indian Music, Ambient, Jazz- Rock-Fusion, Electronic and Experimental Music, Orchestral Cinematic Music and adaptive game music. Also, he works as a music producer for various musicians and labels.

In 2012 he was awarded the State grant by the Austrian Government, also in 2012, he won the 1st prize in the Gustav Mahler composition competition.

Performances at Forum Alpbach in 2018 and opening of the Styriarte in 2022.

Denovaire lives and works in Graz.




Digital Opera “Transcendence”
Music for urban video installations at Lichtstadt Feldkirch and Klanglicht Graz /w OchoResotto


Art direction/ creation of “Waveshifter”, an interactive audio game

Composition of the Opening of Styriarte 2022 with 100+ musicians

Audiologo design & audio for exhibitions of Graz Museum


„dystopian pleasure III“ at „ring ring“ Festival Belgrade with Irina Karamarković, Grilli Pollheimer und W. Hattinger

Commissioned work for “Lichtstadt Feldkirch” for video on urban structures together with ochoResotto

Live@ v:nm Graz & Ljubljana with Katharina Klement and Samo Kutin & Matej Bunderla

Music Design for “the city as a datafield” at Stadtmuseum Graz


Workshop at Private University Vienna

Creation of “modern composer’s channel” on Youtube

Performance at “styriarte” with Irina Karamarkovic

Performance at Panćevo Jazz Festival with Fish in Oil and Irina Karamarković


Commission of an ensemble piece for Ensemble Ambitus


Creation of a 1000 piece cinematic library commissioned by


Co-Founding of “”, a startup for adaptive music for video games

Assignment at Forum Alpbach for eight trombones

“dystopian pleasure II” at Minoritensaal Graz

Performance at World Peace day with Joanneum / Graz


Publishing of the “esraj handbook”, a teaching book for the rare Indian instrument esraj.

Performance in Innsbruck with TENM

Performance together with Dancing Shiva and the Philharmonic Orchestra Graz in the Operahouse/Graz.

Commission for “Carmina Nova” from Vokalforum Graz and multiple performances plus CD Recording

Teaching at Kunstuniversität Graz


Performances of Ensemble Schallfeld in Milano and Rome

Performance Concert “dystopian pleasure” for retro-futuristic ensemble with szene instrumental at Forum Stadtpark/Graz

Performance of “music for transition” in Vienna and Klagenfurt

Performance in Innsbruck with TENM at Harry Triendl’s “Zyklus IV”


Performances of Schallfeld Ensemble in Brussels, Vienna and Graz


Radio Portrait Concert in the Slovenian Radio (RTV SLO)

Performance at im musikprotokoll/ Steirischer Herbst within “Konfrontationen 5”


Theater works with Markus Jastraunig and Carla Almeida


Performances of Max Brand Ensemble in Färöer and Denmark Performances of Ensemble Zeitfluss in Minoritensaal/ Graz;

Performance for esraj, samples and multiple speakers “Thokar #8” at Essl Museum / Vienna;

Music theater “mücken sind kernobst” with UniT/Graz, Sandra Schüddekopf and szene instrumental

Assistance for Bernhard Lang

[2012, 2014, 2016, 2021]

Participation in international music programs with v:nm


“primary emotions” in Graz, Feldkirch and Salzburg, music for theater with Veza Fernandez, Alina Stockinger and Alexa Zach

Performance of “wolfpack” at Musikforum Viktring as the winning entry of Gustav Mahler composition competition

multiple music album productions


Work for choirs and ensemble “muata erdn” with 100 musicians in Mumuth/Graz and Gleisdorf


Workshops with students within „Konfrontationen“ of School authority Styria

[2010, 2012, 2013]

Performances of „Grandvizier’s Chest“, an avant-garde/rock music production for 14 musicians at Porgy&Bess Vienna and Steyr and twice in Graz


Creation and direction of “Indiasphere”, a festival for Indian music and Dance in Graz

[2006 & 2007]

“Steirischer Herbst” within the projects „Klangwege 2006“ and participation in the “Künstleratelier Dachstein-Cult“;

Performances at Stiftung Starke/Berlin and the Austrian Cultural Forum/ Berlin


artistic sound design

for acoustic environments: light (mapping) shows, music in public space

music for games and films

adaptive music for video games as well as linear music for moving images

music for concert halls

clubs and other venues: compositions in various settings including solo, duo, trio, larger ensembles, improvised or composed music for modern ensembles and choirs

experimental electric music

magnet tapes, synthesizers, acoustic instruments - all brought together in mesmerizing performances

karamarković / denovaire

vocals, esraj and synths venturing out on an exceptional journey

modern composer's

tutorials, music, experiments and more

waveshifter - audiogame

an experimental audiogame for PC, without the use of video


Be water my friend
Bruce Lee

live on stage

I can’t understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I’m frightened of the old ones.
John Cage


denovaire +43-650 939 2424

bank account

Bank Austria
BLZ: 12000
IBAN: AT631200010003836698


site designed by denovaire

photos and all content © by denovaire

video credits in the respective descriptions

portrait by mischa sauter